Scholars, theologians, and seminary graduates are revered as being the experts that we dare not question. But the lowly Bereans, on the other hand, were hailed for holding even the apostle Paul to the authority of Scripture, “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so” (Act 17:11). Are modern scholars greater than Paul? If the Bereans were commended for questioning the teaching of him who was sent by Christ Himself then we should confidently follow their example.
Most Christian denominations have developed their own body
of systematic theology that has become their authority by which they understand
the Scriptures rather than the other way around. Instead of the Scriptures
being the ultimate and final authority, their system has taken authority over
the Scriptures! Thus many Christians are more loyal to their denominational
system than they are to Christ Himself. It is essentially the same error as
with the Roman Catholic Church—the Church is the authority that interprets the
Scriptures and their followers are not allowed to think for themselves or even
so much as question the system.
Protestant Christians are indoctrinated with a theological
system then taught debate and apologetic skills to successfully defend that
system. The problem is that they become adept at defending even the false
assumptions within the system. But rather than becoming skillful in defending
something false, my approach is to first make sure that what I am teaching is
true. I allow the Scriptures to interpret themselves and defend
themselves. Now, I am certainly not claiming that I can never be wrong about
anything but only that I make every effort to be sure that what I am teaching
is the truth.
If we are seeking the truth then we will have no problem
with questioning our current beliefs sincerely and objectively. But I have come
to learn that many Christians are not willing to do this. Rather, they are
convinced that their current beliefs are true and will go to great lengths in
defending them. This is particularly the case with ministers who have invested
decades into preaching and even writing books. It’s extremely difficult for
them to sincerely question what they have poured their lives into and
ultimately admit that some of it is wrong especially when it means losing
support and even their position. However, if we don’t judge ourselves we will
be judged by God. We either lose a little now or much more later on.
John MacArthur’s Commentary on Hebrews
A good example of someone imposing their theological system
upon the Scriptures is the stated method of John MacArthur in his Commentary on
the book of Hebrews. I don’t know MacArthur’s heart so I’m certainly not
accusing him of wrong motives—all I can do is point out his actions. There are
many good things I can say about his teaching but this is certainly not one of
them. This method he employs is anything but sound hermeneutics.
In the Introduction to his Commentary he states: “A proper
interpretation of this epistle requires the recognition that it addresses 3
distinct groups of Jews: 1) believers; 2) unbelievers who were intellectually
convinced of the gospel; and 3) unbelievers who were attracted by the gospel
and the person of Christ but who had reached no final conviction about Him.
Failure to acknowledge these groups leads to interpretations inconsistent with
the rest of Scripture.”1
Where did he get this idea that the intended audience of
Hebrews is “3 distinct groups of Jews”? He simply states that if this is not
the case then it “leads to interpretations inconsistent with the rest of
Scripture.” But rather than questioning his interpretations of the rest of
Scripture, he imposes this special interpretive grid upon the Scriptures
themselves. By establishing at the outset this method as the way to achieve “A proper
interpretation of this epistle” he can then effectively make any part of the
epistle either speak or not speak to believers. He has essentially given
himself a blank check to make the epistle say what he believes it should be
In a sermon he preached on the book of Hebrews he quoted
this verse, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the
judgment” (Heb 9:27), then made this statement: “Now those are messages given
to one who is an unbeliever, not to a Christian and not to one who is
necessarily convinced intellectually, but to that one who needs to know
who Christ really is. And there are many other such illustrations. So
there are three groups then in view in the Epistle. And the key to
interpreting Hebrews my friend is to understand to which group he is
speaking. And if we don't understand that then we mess everything up
because we confuse the issue. He is not saying to believers it is
appointed unto men once to die and after that the judgment, is he?”2
His theological system will not allow him to consider that believers
will have to stand in judgment after death therefore he imposes his unique
interpretative framework upon Hebrews to give him an escape and keep his
theological system unscathed. It is mainly because MacArthur is highly revered
as a scholar and theologian that hardly anyone raises a peep about him doing
Feed my sheep
Jesus stated to Peter that if he truly loves Him he will
“Feed my sheep” (Jhn 21:16, 17). Peter will later write “Feed the flock of God
which is among you” (1Pe 5:2), “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh
about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith,
knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in
the world.” (1Pe 5:8-9). The devil is like a lion seeking to devour the weak unfed
sheep among the flock. If we love Jesus Christ then we will first make sure
that our own beliefs are correct and then feed His sheep regardless of harm to
I decided for myself that my loyalty is to Christ and the
correct understanding of the Scriptures. If I truly love God then I will seek
and embrace the truth regardless of what anybody else claims is the truth. And
if I truly love people then I will teach the truth regardless of how I might
suffer for it. I don’t care if I’m labeled as a heretic, a wolf, a false
teacher, or a fool. I rejoice because Christ said, “Blessed are ye, when men
shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and
shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s
sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is
great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.”
(Lke 6:22-23). The reward comes to those willing to be nothing for Him to be